Week 20 - 309 days to opening night
Ooops. Zut alors and merde. Made un petite cock-up this week and double booked myself. (Gosh darn it, Neil. How. Are. You. Sooo. Popular? (**whisper** no, not really...**slightly lower and more pathetic whisper** please, please be my friend...I have money)).
We were going to have the 'Evening of Interest' on Wednesday - and still are, Jen and Simon will still do their thang, but unfortunately it's fallen on the same night as Brownsea Open Air Theatre presentation evening whereby donations from 'Hamlet' are officially given to the National Trust. And as I was the **cough** lead role **cough** I think it'd be really bad if I wasn't there - so I've done a powerpoint for the HCP evening with some basics about M&M, but there's been problems with getting Powerpoint working on a laptop - so I've done a pdf that people can look through during the evening (on Pete's laptop) if they are so inclined.
On another related but unrelated note, Pete had his auditions yesterday for the Pantomime and he says it went well, so full steam ahead on that front. Man's got his work cut out for him as I believe they start rehearsals tonight....
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