Week 19 - 316 days to opening night
I've officially started blocking today. Yeah, I think that deserves an emboldened typeface for emphasis. It's months earlier than I normally do it, but I've decided to try doing this show in a different way to the others, and getting the basic blocking done will help me see if what I want to do is possible. Watched a bit of Singing in The Rain (cos it's set during this period) to see how the film equipment, in particular the mics were set up for a shoot - and very useful it was too... in fact I've found the exact bit on Youtube as well:
I've also been building the 3d model for the Keystone Cop (above) to be used in the overture, I haven't got very far but it's a start. I've nicked-named him 'Bernie', don't know why ( I do know a Bernie, but it's not because of him) - but 'Bernie' it is for the time being.
The big news of the week is a backstage thing - constantly during pre-productions of recent shows I wished I had someone like John Gayler around - a man who loved the theatre and was a bit of a pro carpenter and a dab hand in building sets. Plus a thoroughly decent chap, and more importantly a mate. Unfortunately he went to live in Spain about 7/8 years ago, but only this week he's got in contact that he's coming back to Blighty and "did I need a had backstage with any shows I was doing". I could have kissed him - in a very platonic way obviously - and I emailled back saying yes, yes, oh bloody hell yes. I haven't spoken to him about M&M, (thought I'd make sure he's back in the country and can't escape) but any help he can bring to the show would be excellent...
So revolving stage, here I come. No, not really. (**whispers** revolving stage you will be mine, oh yes...).
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