Week 21 - 302 days to opening night
Starting to think about the proper publicity for the show, all the teasers are done and ready, which takes us up to the Panto, and then after the panto it's the full marketing stuff. At the moment none of the teasers give the actual dates - they just say July 2010, which is right this far away from the show - pique interest, that's all they need to do. Am trying to decide at the moment wether to market the show as fairly serious - as it does deal with some serious themes (alcohol and drug addiction) as well as comedy, or do I stay quite flippant. Ah'm thinkin, flippant at the moment, but you never know I might find a happy medium.
I'm moving at the end of October, so I'm trying to get as much done now before my life gets stored all away in boxes. How did I accumulate so much crap over the years? I surely don't need 3 boxes full of 'Happy As A Sandbag' posters, do I? Answers on a postcard please...(first prize is a box of posters). Probably won't order as many posters for M&M...