Week 21 - 282 days to opening night
No, no, I have been working on M&M, I promise. I swear. You don't believe me do you. Aw, come on ba-by, don't be like that. I've not been looking at other blogs, I promise.....we'll maybe one, but I was thinking about you the whole time, I promise.
It's all been papery stuff this week - getting timings for the overture so that it all syncs together, starting to create some of the graphics for the animation (the evil moustached baddie above, for one) working out using suitcases to build cars, looking through youtube for some inspiration, building some elements for the dockside scene, and then researching white star liners graphics (them of Titanic fame), but nothing really interesting to report.
Oh nearly forgot - and we've updated facebook, and created a new fan page because it allows a bit more control over the information and how it's seen. So there's plenty of previous production shots, and forthcoming stuff on there now:
John Gayler returns to these shores this week after an 8 year absence - I'll give him a couple of weeks to settle back in before I pounce on him (not literally that would only end up with a court order ) and show him the full horror of what I have planned for the set.....mwah-ha-ha-haaaaa indeed...
refuse to join facebook. I think its me and my girl that opens with a scene of suitcases which then builds to a car scene if you want inspirration on you tube, its the opening i think, could be wrong, but too drunk to recall right now and as per usual comments, wont remember i wrote it tomorrow, please never take offense or feel my comments are patronising! Remember im mostly surfing at stupid o'clock... hope the move went well!