Why, Monsieur Ambassador, with all these posts in one day, you're really spoiling us. (**that was supposed to be in a french/european accent by the way**)
Ah, week 4 of rehearsals. Monday saw me sorting the props list and then the budget and then.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......ssa wha, huh? Sorry, nodded off there due to my own boredom.
Tuesday saw us do some more blocking...but only for an hour, because it's a bit boring...so we moved on to tap and Big Time and did some more choreography. (Above piccies)
Wednesday saw me round Ian Carters where we went through the score. I've said before somewhere in a previous post and at auditions that I was worried that the score would be in a piss-poor state......and it is. Basically the script and musical score don't tie up. Cue lines in the musical score don't tie up with the script - one example cue line being "with banana toast" which doesn't appear anywhere - the whole thing is riddled with inconsistencies, different words, scoring in the wrong place etc etc, but it did mean that Ian and myself made quite few decisions to get round the problems. Plus Ian recorded all the score so we can use it during rehearsals - and I was really impressed at how good a player he is - I know I should be as he's the MD, but from someone who can't do two things at once with his hands (insert joke here) it was pleasure to watch and hear.
Wednesday saw me round Ian Carters where we went through the score. I've said before somewhere in a previous post and at auditions that I was worried that the score would be in a piss-poor state......and it is. Basically the script and musical score don't tie up. Cue lines in the musical score don't tie up with the script - one example cue line being "with banana toast" which doesn't appear anywhere - the whole thing is riddled with inconsistencies, different words, scoring in the wrong place etc etc, but it did mean that Ian and myself made quite few decisions to get round the problems. Plus Ian recorded all the score so we can use it during rehearsals - and I was really impressed at how good a player he is - I know I should be as he's the MD, but from someone who can't do two things at once with his hands (insert joke here) it was pleasure to watch and hear.
Thursday night is a bit of a blur - a really bad day just meant that whilst I was there in the evening physically, I just wasn't there mentally. Still, we finished blocking, and went over the dances as Georgina wasn't there (she was doing Drowsey Chaperone with Pete, Val, Coral and Stephen. Saw it Saturday and it was fab). Then I recorded Jane tapping 'Tap you're troubles away' on the camcorder, which we will give out to cast members to use at home.
Friday was editing the sequence into usable formats - anyone want it for their ipod?
Yesterday was the programme - gotta start now or I'm f**ked later on. So full week. Oh, and hello Ro in Scotland by the way. Nice to hear from you.
More posting of crap later on this week. Over and out.
(**psst** ...By the way, there are rumours of a couple of cast blogs heading in this direction...)
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