Week 38? - 5 days to auditions
Auditions are nearly here. And it feels to me like when you throw a party. Will anyone turn up? Will too many? I haven't got a clue at the moment. We've, to date, had 137 downloads of audition pieces since they went up a month ago, most of which are probably just having a look to see what it's all about with out any intention of auditioning, but I'd guess probably 20 or so might be genuine...so fingers crossed.
I'm starting to get the usual 'Can I audition early and go?' emails now, but it's a clear cut 'no' I'm afraid. The afternoon is structured around the pianist/dep MD turning up at 3:30pm, so that means dancing first, then acting, singing and then some more acting/dancing. We've booked a room on Tuesday to cater for anyone who genuinely can't make Sunday, but still desperately wants to audition.
Good luck if you are auditioning by the way, I know how scary they can be. We're trying to make it as stressless as possible, but if it's any consolation (I doubt it) it's very nerve racking for us too...
I bought a digital camcorder last week a) to film the auditions because unfortunately the MD is on holiday (so we'll be getting together on the 2nd March) b) because I've a lot of filmed sequences in the show to do and c) because I could.
I'm sorting out the Regent banner at the moment which will go up on the side of the building soon. I've stayed late (or later than normal) at work to source all the images I need for the show but there's a massive amount to do to get them in shape - I'm dropping subtle hints to my graphic design colleagues like 'you know you owe me a favour...'
Unfortunately work is very, very busy at the mo, plus I had a personal disaster yesterday by managing to spill an entire cup of coffee over my phone and ipod - both now unsurprisingly not working. Which if you add in my non-internet access at home and poor phone signal means I have to do all the show emails and catching up with peoples requests at work, which is a real juggling act....
I was asked to join a professional acting company this week (oooo get me), which I've said yes to, starting next year, but unfortunately all the prelim stuff for that is happening over M&M. Might be able to help a little bit though. Although, officially I have no spare time from now until August the first....
See you on the other side of auditions....
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