Week 34 - Panto week
I never pre-cast. No seriously. Never. Pointless exercise. BUT I have this time. Woah, woah woah...before you all go off on one, writing to your local paper, slashing my tyres etc the two parts already cast are Barry and Phil (pictured above) who are technical volunteers at the Regent, and their role on stage will be to move the set, with cast members, live, and in costume. The live scene changes are done completely by the cast, but I just want two people completely dedicated to the job, and who can just to 'do it right'. Hence Barry and Phil, who, despite all the ribbing I give them (and I do..a lot) are two of the nicest and professional guys around. They are both members of a Cinema Club who go round refurbishing old theatres, and know quite a bit about the old equipment.
Lots of things are now happening: Ian Carter's been busy sorting through the score and organising stuff for the auditions. Jon Hall (Animation guru) has organised an evening at Bournemouth Uni (the 11th I think - I'll update you when I have more solid info) to watch the show and for me to go through what I have planned for the show (note to self: must plan stuff for the show). My old friend Sharon Burn is now on board as prompt (a thankless job, but vital). Jen and I are getting together after the panto to go through costume stuff. Eliot (now the Manger of the Regent - well done him) are looking at software that allows the running of several projectors from one machine (be still my geeking heart). Martin Short - technical guru at the Regent - has gone through all the lighting bars with me and I have these now pencilled in. The two Anne's are on board to do props etc. I'm going in early on Saturday to do some tests with the projector. And lastly, lots and lots of people seem to be asking questions and are getting very interested in the show which will hopefully mean a good turnout at the audtions.
Panto's going very well at the moment, by the way. If you haven't got your tickets get them quick. Tomorrow is the last day.
Oh and Jane W (Dance Capatin/ex- bluebell/someone who flashes her breasts at me everynight of the panto), has emailed me something for this blog which I'll put up in the next couple of days. Thank God. Now at least it won't seem so much of a vanity project with others contributing....
Over and out.
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