Week twenty something - two hundred and mumble days to opening night
Sorry been caught up with other shows - xmas show and an emergency on the panto front because HCP have been let down on the set front the only real option left is digital projections - so it's been a bit slow on the old M&M front.
BUT isn't it funny how the exact right person appears at exactly the right time - I was wondering how I was going build the set without someone who knows what they are doing - enter John Gayler - and then I'm wondering how much time I'll be able to give over to the animated parts of the show - enter Jonathan Hall, animating genius. Jon is an animation student who's in the Panto, saw what we were doing here and offered his help - and f**k me he's good. The above shots are from a test he did of Bernie the Keystone Cop which you can see here:
Just me doing that would have taken me weeks. And weeks. And weeks. But then that's what they say - surround yourself with brilliant people and it'll hopefully rub off on me - so... so far, so good.
Also got the proper script this week - I've been working from the old script but now I can crack on with everything...
Anyways, how are you? We should go for a drink, catch up. It feels like I haven't seen you for aaaaa-ggeeess.
ok, we need to talk.
ReplyDeletehow.. I mean truly HOW, could you put the work of a new genius as a link ... TO FACEBOOK! When I have berated it and refused to join it! Pfft, I see, this is what i mean to you!!!!
Say Hi to John G from Sam and I :D
and btw... it is ages since you posted slacker! Some of us are waiting for the next installment with bated breath you know!
<3 Ro