Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Xmas 2009

Week thirty-ish (that's a guess) - 2 hundred and twenty (I think) days to opening night
Last one before Xmas, and I'm behind. Behind, behind, behind. I should have all the set sorted and 90% of the blocking done by now, but I aint. Too many other things getting in the way. I reckon I'm about a month behind at the mo. Still, at least January means others start getting involved properly and this blog can be about people rather than sets (see above), graphics and scripts.
But the blocking and script are taking shape - and it's all going to be a bit ambitious this one, but hey it's all about the challenge.
We've had an editorial in 'Scene One' the local am dram magazine about the open auditions, and I think I'm right in saying outside of HCP stuff that's the first proper bit of advertising for the show.
The Xmas show went well, lots of M&M stuff on the tables and walls, and a surprise exit/fall from the stage by the MC David Gillard MBE made the second night very eventful. But he wasn't hurt and that's the main thing. I was sat in the most awkward of positions on the floor in a draught, so I've developed a bit of a cold, unsurprisingly, despite being given a hot water bottle for the second night.
So the final week of 2009 means I won't get much chance to do much on M&M as I have about 15 backdrops to illustrate for the Panto, but I'm determined to catch up so who knows.
Anyhoo that's it for now.....
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Script tease....
Week (oh, I don't know...I want to say 28? Maybe 29?) - coupla hundred days to opening night
Work is mental at the mo. Ma-En-Tal. Working weekends etc so it's a bit slow on the ol bloggin front - but that's not to say things aren't happening behind the scenes. Rehearsal space is now booked by Sue for the run - March to July - so that's another thing ticked off.
And speaking of being ticked off (oh Neil, ni-ce segueway...) I've been working on the supplied script recently - and jesus, it's in a bad state. Not the lib itself, but just the actual script - the list of characters includes some that aren't in the show, characters are said to exit and then speak a line or two after, but the worst bit is that there is a vocal score in the back that doesn't tally up with the libretto printed in the script, and those don't tally with any of the CD version I have which makes me think the orchestra score is different to vocal score, which is different to the lib....that'll be fun trying to sort out.
Was slightly worried that because I don't like/hate football I didn't know what dates the World Cup falls on, but we're okay as it finishes 3 weeks before we start. If we had been on during it it would affect ticket sales. But luckily 'no'. Phew.
Auditions are open auditions (which means anyone can try) so Valerie has put together a little ad to announce the fact in the local am dram mag 'Scene One' - should drum up some support. But judging on feedback already, we may be swamped on the day. Plus Georgina is hot footing it from her skiing trip abroad to make it so it'll be odd day...
Too much else going on...Xmas show this week, which is sold out, then Panto after xmas so it's all a bit full on at the moment. And one more person asks me to something for them I'll strangle them with my sock.
Oh, and Merry Xmas if I don't see you before....
Thursday, 3 December 2009
John and Jon - a tale of two geniuss's'ss

Week twenty something - two hundred and mumble days to opening night
Sorry been caught up with other shows - xmas show and an emergency on the panto front because HCP have been let down on the set front the only real option left is digital projections - so it's been a bit slow on the old M&M front.
BUT isn't it funny how the exact right person appears at exactly the right time - I was wondering how I was going build the set without someone who knows what they are doing - enter John Gayler - and then I'm wondering how much time I'll be able to give over to the animated parts of the show - enter Jonathan Hall, animating genius. Jon is an animation student who's in the Panto, saw what we were doing here and offered his help - and f**k me he's good. The above shots are from a test he did of Bernie the Keystone Cop which you can see here:
Just me doing that would have taken me weeks. And weeks. And weeks. But then that's what they say - surround yourself with brilliant people and it'll hopefully rub off on me - so... so far, so good.
Also got the proper script this week - I've been working from the old script but now I can crack on with everything...
Anyways, how are you? We should go for a drink, catch up. It feels like I haven't seen you for aaaaa-ggeeess.
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