Sunday, 9 May 2010

Neil teaches you how to fake it...Oh God, Yeeessss

Week 4 Million

So what do you do if you need some good shots of your leads in 1920s stuff but don't have the budget - answer you fake it like Meg Ryan in that film with the orgasm. Or rather you 'Photoshop' it. That way it looks like you paid money for a photoshoot but you didn't because you're a tightwad.

I'll bore you very quickly with a photoshop demo - but bear in mind I have abut 65 of these to do for the show. To start with you need two images both looking roughly in the same direction - you then cut the face off one (ooo Freddy Kreuger flashback) and resize it to the others proportions.

Then you over expose and blur the image to approximate the 1920s feel. Then a bit of glamour by adding some lipstick.

Add in some eye makeup and then some reflecting lights/twinkle in her eyes to give you that all important vasaline-over-the-lens studio portrait.

'Et Voila' as they say in Germany. All done.

Next week: How to fake a passport and photoshop your own counterfeit money...



  1. Very clever Mr Neil

  2. *mumbles something about arena awards never making me look this good, and its not about what you have to work with before any excuses are made!*
    As always too dam clever for your own good Mr M :D

  3. The High Lord of all her surveys Neil12 May 2010 at 12:28

    ah, but the difference is I can go up to someone and say 'I need to take your photo at this angle' rather than having to butcher a blurry scanned in photo

    How's life the noo?

