Thursday, 1 April 2010


Week 3 of rehearsal - 120 days to opening night

Ah, my favourite Stephen in the cast, Stephen Hutt, is up for a bit 'o blogging this week. He is a rising star, watch this space. I'll shut up and let him take the floor:

And so it begins. A few rehearsals in and already it's just fun wrapped up in laughter. Blocking begins and we all stand there, pencils poised waitnig for that all important piece of direction to frantically write in the margin of our scripts, only to have to rubb it out again because we have written it in the wrong place. What. a. pickle.

I myself start to feel queesy when I look at the things to come, specifically the tap more than anything else. Definately need to learn my left from my right for that one, at the brief run through last night of said routine it was said that I should end up on the left foot, I was merrily standing on my right foot thinking it was my left overjoyed that I had got it right for once, no such luck. Stabbed in the back by my own incompetence, what can you do?

Blocking continues on Thursday, for how much longer I do not know, Mr Neil has his plans and we must follow. Onwards and upwards as they say.

Pip pip

Stephen Hutt

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