Friday, 14 August 2009

Oh for Pete's sake....

Week 14 - 347 days to opening night

Unrelated but related news this morning to the production - if that makes sense - with the announcement that Pete Whitaker (Our production manager extraordinare) is directing the HCP Pantomime in January 2010. In a completely impartial way I think it's a perfect choice - I have no idea who else was up for it to be honest - but Pete's always proved himself incredibly organised on the production side of things and good at coming up with staging ideas when he's acting.

I don't think most people in HCP realise quite how much Pete does in the background to be honest. There's always a core in any am-dram group of a few people who do most/all of the work, and right in the centre of that group is Pete working away for little or no thanks - and he doesn't go looking for it either. So it's great that he'll be able to do something that is completely his and get the recognition for it. Hurrah for Pedro.

Feely rather paternal and proud for him.

But...having said all that he ain't got friggin clue what nightmare of biblical proportions is about to descend on him. F**kin' idiot. That's a joke Pete, a joke. (**whispers** no it isn't)


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