Saturday, 9 May 2009

Off we jolly well go

Week 1 - 445 days to opening night

So. Here we are. Posting number One. Numero Uno. Blog Eine. Writing our own blog about a theatre production way, way, way off in the distance. Four hundred and something days until opening night.

The idea about this blog is to document the whole production from start to finish, the ups and downs, ins and outs – and trying, basically, not to disappear up our own arses on the way. Hopefully, Georgina (Choreographer) and Pete (Production Manager) will contribute to this whole bloggin’ thing, otherwise it’ll just come across as a bit of a vanity project...

And once we have a cast maybe they'll chime in as well...?

Anyways, we'll see how it goes. It's got some potential, and by golly, we’ve got some potential. Whoop, whoop.

Anyhoo. Time to figure this blogging thing out. First stop: ‘uploading images’

Whoop indeed.


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