Week 16 - 333 days to opening night
So what do you do if you have no wing space. None. Zilch. De Nada. And you need wing space to store props/scenery? Weelllll my friends, one option is to store the stuff on stage in plain sight and make it part of the show. Yeah, on stage - in front of everyone. I'm thinking through the option of having crates on stage through out the production - which can store props etc in and become chairs or tables when needs be. The only problem is that they do have to be off stage when the big dance numbers are doing their thang. Hmmm. Will have to think about it. There's definitely an answer in there somewhere...
Also been looking at sorting myself out for next year as well - March onwards is pretty much blocked out for rehearsals, but its working out how much work I have to do this side of xmas, and keep my work-life-production balance in check. I think it's looking possible without pissing off any loved ones/friends/bosses and keeping my full time job at the same time. We'll see. Xmas is looking busy workwise, and we're also putting a on fundraiser show for Mack and Mabel which I've agreed to co-direct/assist Simon Leaton (HCP Member and M&M blog follower) in putting on a one act during the evening, the second half of the evening is choral stuff, I believe - don't know much at the moment as we have our first production meeting on the 3rd Sept (exactly a year on from Happy As A Sandbag ironically).
Must learn to say 'no' in my next life....