Friday, 26 February 2010

A thing of beauty...

Week 40? (really must work it out) - 2 days to auditions

2 days to go until auditions. Hopefully you'll turn up won't you. Don't make me beg. I've got a horrible feeling we'll either get 3 people or hundreds, nothing in between...

Got a nice surprise this morning - a picture (top image) of the camera box John Gayler has built for the show. **cue angelic music** Behold the beauty that is the box. Isn't that great. Look at the craftsmanship. Made from scratch. He's f**kin' good isn't he. I take back everything I said about him (joke, John, joke).

I've started doing some of the backgrounds for 'Look What Happened to Mabel' (above) which will probably only be on screen for about 20 seconds, but it's these sort of things that'll add to the show...


Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Audition time!

Week 38? - 5 days to auditions

Auditions are nearly here. And it feels to me like when you throw a party. Will anyone turn up? Will too many? I haven't got a clue at the moment. We've, to date, had 137 downloads of audition pieces since they went up a month ago, most of which are probably just having a look to see what it's all about with out any intention of auditioning, but I'd guess probably 20 or so might be fingers crossed.

I'm starting to get the usual 'Can I audition early and go?' emails now, but it's a clear cut 'no' I'm afraid. The afternoon is structured around the pianist/dep MD turning up at 3:30pm, so that means dancing first, then acting, singing and then some more acting/dancing. We've booked a room on Tuesday to cater for anyone who genuinely can't make Sunday, but still desperately wants to audition.

Good luck if you are auditioning by the way, I know how scary they can be. We're trying to make it as stressless as possible, but if it's any consolation (I doubt it) it's very nerve racking for us too...

I bought a digital camcorder last week a) to film the auditions because unfortunately the MD is on holiday (so we'll be getting together on the 2nd March) b) because I've a lot of filmed sequences in the show to do and c) because I could.

I'm sorting out the Regent banner at the moment which will go up on the side of the building soon. I've stayed late (or later than normal) at work to source all the images I need for the show but there's a massive amount to do to get them in shape - I'm dropping subtle hints to my graphic design colleagues like 'you know you owe me a favour...'

Unfortunately work is very, very busy at the mo, plus I had a personal disaster yesterday by managing to spill an entire cup of coffee over my phone and ipod - both now unsurprisingly not working. Which if you add in my non-internet access at home and poor phone signal means I have to do all the show emails and catching up with peoples requests at work, which is a real juggling act....

I was asked to join a professional acting company this week (oooo get me), which I've said yes to, starting next year, but unfortunately all the prelim stuff for that is happening over M&M. Might be able to help a little bit though. Although, officially I have no spare time from now until August the first....

See you on the other side of auditions....


Thursday, 18 February 2010

First Production Meeting - Music and Dance

Week 38? - 6 months to opening night

We had our first production meeting last night - Ian (MD), Georgina (Choreography), Pete (Production Manager) and Jane W (Dance Captain). The idea was for me to sit down and go through all the show numbers and talk through what I had planned as far as the staging of the numbers was concerned, giving Ian and Georgina the parameters in which they need to work in (sometimes the script dictates what has to happen during a number, and other times they have a completely open brief and can do 'whatever they want'). We went through the entire show/score which highlighted where the underscoring was, where the problem areas were etc.

I was pleased, because there won't be any nasty shocks for Ian/Georgina/Pete/Jane when it comes to the the staging of the musical numbers. Plus it gives them the starting point to do all their bits - I'm not interested in doing a show where I tell them exactly what to do as they'll get nothing out of it. It won't be personal to them.

We also talked over auditions, the extra scoring, how to pick up a upright piano that's been offered to us, where to get a specialist item that I can't mention here (non-sexual before you make anything up) - and the answer surprisingly was a retired vicar.

John Gayler has been building things as well. I told him not to just yet. But he hasn't listened. He's been emailling me to say he's found stuff that'd be useful in skips (I dread to think). He's currently building an old box camera. I've said fine as long as it's a certain size, isn't heavy and looks I'll post a picture of it when I see it. I do get the feeling it's going to be oversized and heavy though.....(joking John, joking)

Next stop is a production meeting with John Gayler (set), Jon Hall (genius animator) and Jen (costumes) hopefully after auditions to discuss their particular fields of expertise.

I think I'm now only about a month behind schedule....


Tuesday, 2 February 2010

A word from your Dance Captain, Jane White

Week 34 - tap tap tap tappity tap to opening night

A word from the dance captain:
Well, I guess it must be true……it says so on the side bar. I’m the Dance Captain for HCP’s 2010 production of Mack and Mabel!
It’s funny, or not, but this was the first production I did when I got dragged, kicking and screaming, into am dram in 2000. A conversation that went along the lines of;
Him: You can tap, can’t you?
Me: Yeeeeess??????
Him: We need people who can tap.
Me: OK. But I don’t sing…..Or speak! I just dance.
Him: That’s ok; we just need you to dance.
Me: Oh, ok. I’ll do it.
Him: Thanks.
Silly, silly, silly me! I ended up not only singing, badly I might add, but also uttering my first ever words on stage. Granted, I didn’t have to say them alone, it was one of those “Chorus response” things, but I was still a wreck!!!!!
Apparently it was the first time I met Neil too, although I am ashamed to say that I really don’t remember. Allegedly I spoke to him as well! Sorry Neil, I’m going to put it down to advanced years and nerves!
So, 10 years on and here I am again, getting ready to don the tap shoes!
I truly can’t express how thrilled I am at being asked to be involved with what I know will be an amazing production, just reading the previous blog entries gets the ole heart a thumpin’. Being able to work alongside such creative minds as Neil and George is a great privilege and honour, and I just hope I can do them proud.
Thanks for asking me xx

Monday, 1 February 2010

It's been a testing time...

Week 33 - 6 months to opening night

Six months to go....

Went in early on Saturday to the Regent to do a few tests for Mack & Mabel - mainly to check that my distressed old look is working on filmed elements (ie flickering, scratches, grain) - which it was. A test for parallax scrolling looked good, so I'll definitely be doing those - you'll have seen the the technique in many documentarys showing still photography. And also I spent time checking a couple of other things that I'm not going to go into here - buy a ticket, or audition to see what else I was up to...

I was pleased anyway...
