Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Xmas 2009

Week thirty-ish (that's a guess) - 2 hundred and twenty (I think) days to opening night
Last one before Xmas, and I'm behind. Behind, behind, behind. I should have all the set sorted and 90% of the blocking done by now, but I aint. Too many other things getting in the way. I reckon I'm about a month behind at the mo. Still, at least January means others start getting involved properly and this blog can be about people rather than sets (see above), graphics and scripts.
But the blocking and script are taking shape - and it's all going to be a bit ambitious this one, but hey it's all about the challenge.
We've had an editorial in 'Scene One' the local am dram magazine about the open auditions, and I think I'm right in saying outside of HCP stuff that's the first proper bit of advertising for the show.
The Xmas show went well, lots of M&M stuff on the tables and walls, and a surprise exit/fall from the stage by the MC David Gillard MBE made the second night very eventful. But he wasn't hurt and that's the main thing. I was sat in the most awkward of positions on the floor in a draught, so I've developed a bit of a cold, unsurprisingly, despite being given a hot water bottle for the second night.
So the final week of 2009 means I won't get much chance to do much on M&M as I have about 15 backdrops to illustrate for the Panto, but I'm determined to catch up so who knows.
Anyhoo that's it for now.....
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Script tease....
Week (oh, I don't know...I want to say 28? Maybe 29?) - coupla hundred days to opening night
Work is mental at the mo. Ma-En-Tal. Working weekends etc so it's a bit slow on the ol bloggin front - but that's not to say things aren't happening behind the scenes. Rehearsal space is now booked by Sue for the run - March to July - so that's another thing ticked off.
And speaking of being ticked off (oh Neil, ni-ce segueway...) I've been working on the supplied script recently - and jesus, it's in a bad state. Not the lib itself, but just the actual script - the list of characters includes some that aren't in the show, characters are said to exit and then speak a line or two after, but the worst bit is that there is a vocal score in the back that doesn't tally up with the libretto printed in the script, and those don't tally with any of the CD version I have which makes me think the orchestra score is different to vocal score, which is different to the lib....that'll be fun trying to sort out.
Was slightly worried that because I don't like/hate football I didn't know what dates the World Cup falls on, but we're okay as it finishes 3 weeks before we start. If we had been on during it it would affect ticket sales. But luckily 'no'. Phew.
Auditions are open auditions (which means anyone can try) so Valerie has put together a little ad to announce the fact in the local am dram mag 'Scene One' - should drum up some support. But judging on feedback already, we may be swamped on the day. Plus Georgina is hot footing it from her skiing trip abroad to make it so it'll be odd day...
Too much else going on...Xmas show this week, which is sold out, then Panto after xmas so it's all a bit full on at the moment. And one more person asks me to something for them I'll strangle them with my sock.
Oh, and Merry Xmas if I don't see you before....
Thursday, 3 December 2009
John and Jon - a tale of two geniuss's'ss

Week twenty something - two hundred and mumble days to opening night
Sorry been caught up with other shows - xmas show and an emergency on the panto front because HCP have been let down on the set front the only real option left is digital projections - so it's been a bit slow on the old M&M front.
BUT isn't it funny how the exact right person appears at exactly the right time - I was wondering how I was going build the set without someone who knows what they are doing - enter John Gayler - and then I'm wondering how much time I'll be able to give over to the animated parts of the show - enter Jonathan Hall, animating genius. Jon is an animation student who's in the Panto, saw what we were doing here and offered his help - and f**k me he's good. The above shots are from a test he did of Bernie the Keystone Cop which you can see here:
Just me doing that would have taken me weeks. And weeks. And weeks. But then that's what they say - surround yourself with brilliant people and it'll hopefully rub off on me - so... so far, so good.
Also got the proper script this week - I've been working from the old script but now I can crack on with everything...
Anyways, how are you? We should go for a drink, catch up. It feels like I haven't seen you for aaaaa-ggeeess.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Audition Date and Venue BOOKED! Hurrah.
Week 24 - 253 days to opening night
Booked the date and venue for the Mack & Mabel's open auditions today: 28th February 2010 (1pm - 5pm St Mark's Hall, Hinton Wood Avenue, Highcliffe if you're interested).
What was great was that I only emailled the HCP committee at lunchtime about the request, and within an hour Sue had come back to me saying it was all booked. Amazing efficiency. I expected days, even weeks. Not minutes.
Did the rehearsal schedule over the weekend, am looking at starting rehearsals on the 16th March, which gives anyone who was in the Panto a 6/7 week break and prepare themselves for the hell I'll put them through....
Couple of other things were put in motion as well today, but that's for you to buy a ticket and find out...
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Going Retro

Week 23 - 258 days to opening night
I'm going to do some retro advertising I've decided, to supplement the main advertising for the show - so I've made a start....
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Back from the future

Week 23 - 260 days to opening night
I'm back. Did you miss me? Was there this strange neil-shaped hole in your life? They'll write poems about this epic seperation we've been through. I've missed you. No, really. How'd that thing you were doing go? Y'know the thing with the doodah whatjamacallit.
Anyhoo, I'm back from Scotland, and moved into the new place - but no broadband access at the mo (Must. Not. Cry **bites lower lip**) so I'm back onto M&M with avengence. My plan is to have the show completely blocked by the end of this month, have the majority of the overture and intertitles animated and done by end of December - I'm trying to get as much done this year before we start set building early next year - so that it doesn't all become a massive nightmare.
Everythings chuggin' along nicely - everyone's up to their eyes in the xmas show (sold out) and the Panto (heading for a sell out) so it's busy busy busy. I've just been continuing with set design - but all the really hard work is about to start....
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Shuffle the pack

Week 21 - 272 days to opening night
I'm moving in 3 days, so I've done pretty much nuffin' this week. Nuffin' y'hear except scrub and box and stuff and pack and clean (**fades off into distance**)....
(**sound off footsteps coming back**) Having said that I've done a tiny bit on updating sets (above) but not much. Anyway back to the packing and cleaning and boxing (**fades off into distance**)....
Monday, 19 October 2009
Mwah-ha-ha-ha haaaaaaa!

Week 21 - 282 days to opening night
No, no, I have been working on M&M, I promise. I swear. You don't believe me do you. Aw, come on ba-by, don't be like that. I've not been looking at other blogs, I promise.....we'll maybe one, but I was thinking about you the whole time, I promise.
It's all been papery stuff this week - getting timings for the overture so that it all syncs together, starting to create some of the graphics for the animation (the evil moustached baddie above, for one) working out using suitcases to build cars, looking through youtube for some inspiration, building some elements for the dockside scene, and then researching white star liners graphics (them of Titanic fame), but nothing really interesting to report.
Oh nearly forgot - and we've updated facebook, and created a new fan page because it allows a bit more control over the information and how it's seen. So there's plenty of previous production shots, and forthcoming stuff on there now:
John Gayler returns to these shores this week after an 8 year absence - I'll give him a couple of weeks to settle back in before I pounce on him (not literally that would only end up with a court order ) and show him the full horror of what I have planned for the set.....mwah-ha-ha-haaaaa indeed...
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Return of the intertitles

Week 19 - 291 days to opening night
Intertitles. And, yes, they're supposed to be slightly blurred.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Moving story

Week 22 - 293 days to opening night
I'm moving. So I'm packing. And dumping. And sorting. And tipping. Plus we've been sorting stuff for the Xmas show, so it's been a bit of a light week on the ol' Mack & Mabel front. But I have been building set models, and overture models, and a couple of other bits'n'bobs, so it's not been a complete washout.
And talking of 'building' (Oh Neil, nii-ice segueway into the next topic) we seem to be building a bit of interest now inside and outside the group which is good, the more people want to be part of it the better the production - plus there are only 3 or 4 big productions going on in the area next year - particularly as it seems that Theatre2000 have pulled out from doing 'Beauty and the Beast' (and I don't blame them - you'd need some serious money to put that show on).
Had a bit of a brainwave about the ending of the show this week - it ends on a real low, which can work in a lot of cases, but the script in this case is very clunky at the end, so it needs a bit of work to make the whole thing flow to a natural conclusion - and I think I've sorted it - but it does mean a lot of work for me to do first. Plus we're not just leaving it on that low as we'll have a reprise of the overture which will include some vigorous dance and the curtain calls built in.
Anyway, gotta get back to putting my life into cardboard boxes.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Just who do you think you are?

Week 22 - 297 days to opening night
How the 'ell have we got less than 300 days to go, huh? I said huh? Was out last night with a few HCPers for Louise King's 40th, and as a couple of the pictures feature those involved in producing the next 3 HCP shows (Xmas Revue, Panto and M&M) I thought it might be nice to stick a few faces to names. That's us. Slightly drunk.
Obviously the drink flowed and we talked around all the productions, but one titbit that came up last night was about the music for M&M, which if confirmed will be brilliant news. Am emotionally erect at the thought. Will keep you posted obviously. Loo kept asking (seriously about 30 times, Loo, how many times do I need to tell you) if when auditioning for a main part do you have to sing a song from the show, or can it be anything? And the simple answer is: anything (but it's probably best to keep it in keeping with the show - something by Iron Maiden isn't going to get you too far). It is nice though to see people getting excited about a show we won't be auditioning for for another 6 months...
Plus Ro Copson, the lovely Ro, has been given me plenty food for thought (thanks Ro! keep it comin' - am looking at options as we speak).
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Why so serious...?

Week 21 - 302 days to opening night
Starting to think about the proper publicity for the show, all the teasers are done and ready, which takes us up to the Panto, and then after the panto it's the full marketing stuff. At the moment none of the teasers give the actual dates - they just say July 2010, which is right this far away from the show - pique interest, that's all they need to do. Am trying to decide at the moment wether to market the show as fairly serious - as it does deal with some serious themes (alcohol and drug addiction) as well as comedy, or do I stay quite flippant. Ah'm thinkin, flippant at the moment, but you never know I might find a happy medium.
I'm moving at the end of October, so I'm trying to get as much done now before my life gets stored all away in boxes. How did I accumulate so much crap over the years? I surely don't need 3 boxes full of 'Happy As A Sandbag' posters, do I? Answers on a postcard please...(first prize is a box of posters). Probably won't order as many posters for M&M...
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Double or quits...

Week 21 - 304 days to opening night
Xmas show auditions today, which went very well. Good singers for the singing bits and good actors for the acting bits. Should be very good. Chatted with Georgina about choreography very briefly as well for M&M.
Interesting conversation, also, about people rehearsing two shows at once, provided rehearsal nights are on different nights. BBLOC are doing 'The Producers' next summer - big theatre, and a very good professional director - and several members of HCP are involved/auditioning, and as their rehearsal nights are Mons and Weds and ours are Tues and Thurs it's physically possible for someone to be in both - which I'm happy about, and it's fine by me provided they understand that they will be out 4 nights a week (knackered or what), and that they just let me know which rehearsals they can't do (as BBLOC work in week chunks from time to time) so I can work around it. It is an excellent show, so I'm certainly not going to stop anyone being involved. Unfortunately it seems that BBLOC won't let people be in two shows at once - even if it doesn't affect rehearsals - which is a shame as it means it'll force people into having to choose between the shows. Ah well. We'll see what happens come November. 'C'est la vie' as they say somewhere french speaking.
I was very surprised today to hear how many people read this drivel, by the way. What really? Pete has promised that he'll do bits for it, as it is just a bit of a vanity project at the mo. Otherwise it's just me, me, me. And that just gets boring.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
My two left foots...

Week 20 - 305 days to opening night
Tap, Tap tappity tap, step ball change, tap, tap, tappity, tappity, tappity tap. Tap. Tap. Tappity tap.
**singing** If a sky full of crap always lands in your lap make a curtsey and tap your troubles awwwwaaaaaay.**
So says Jerry Herman's lyrics - but I'm assuming he'd want you to change first, y'know, if your lap was covered in crap - tapping would just spread it everywhere. (very strange lyrics if taken literally...)
Did a quick graphic for something today (above) and been blocking a bit of the 2nd half today, mainly towards the end as that isn't too complicated - but it does involve the BIG tap number but luckily that's Georgina's nightmare not mine. Any choreography I did would just involve a lot of shuffling and bumping into one and other. I did try tap dancing once, but kept falling into the sink (**ba boom tish** I thang yew. That joke will now be retiring due to old age). Anyone who knows me knows I can't dance - I'd like to put it down to the fact that I'm male and straight...the 'good-at-dancing' gene completely bypassed me at birth unfortunately (...in my head I dance like Gene Kelly, though).
HCP Xmas show auditions are tomorrow, so it'll be a good way for me to size up the potential cast for Mack and Mabel. Whilst it's not an enormous cast, it's going to need quite a few chorus members (both male and female) to pull it off. Not sure how many will turn up as it's being rehearsed at the same time as the Panto and I'm not sure many people will want to be in both. Still, we'll see...
Anyhoo, back to my tap dancing....a one, anna two, anna three, anna four...
Tap, Tap tappity tap, step ball change, tap, tap, tappity, tappity, tappity tap. **fades into distance**
Friday, 25 September 2009
Ahhhhhhhhh-fter Effects. Was it good for you too?

Week 20 - 306 days to opening night
I'm a geek. No, hush now, I am. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Geek. Geek. Geek. But this is a seriously geeky posting....
.....alright, but you've been warned.
To achieve what I want with the animations etc I've been needing some new software to help with it, and its call 'After Effects' (**sound of angels singing**). And a few weeks ago I got a copy of After Effects (**sound of angels singing**), and today I opened it up in anger for the first time to do a couple of tests, and by golly, After Effects (**sound of angels singing**) does exactly what it says on the tin. It's the missing link between all the other software I have and use at work and at home, so I've had a stab at a little teaser for Mack & Mabel using After Effects (**sound of angels singing**) which is my back up for projecting during the Panto if my plans for a proper animated advert doesn't come off. And it's aint looking too shabby to be honest - it, that is to say, After Effects (**sound of angels singing**) will be invaluable for the overture.
So thank you After Effects (**sound of angels singing**) - if you were a women I would have booked a double room in a swanky hotel and ordered something from the room menu by now....
Plus Eliot (Lighting) has emailled me today to say he has some new toys at the Regent Theatre that I might want to have a play with. 'Emotionally erect' is phrase that seems to sum it all up.
Weird, moi?
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Oh Ffffff...iddlesticks

Week 20 - 309 days to opening night
Ooops. Zut alors and merde. Made un petite cock-up this week and double booked myself. (Gosh darn it, Neil. How. Are. You. Sooo. Popular? (**whisper** no, not really...**slightly lower and more pathetic whisper** please, please be my friend...I have money)).
We were going to have the 'Evening of Interest' on Wednesday - and still are, Jen and Simon will still do their thang, but unfortunately it's fallen on the same night as Brownsea Open Air Theatre presentation evening whereby donations from 'Hamlet' are officially given to the National Trust. And as I was the **cough** lead role **cough** I think it'd be really bad if I wasn't there - so I've done a powerpoint for the HCP evening with some basics about M&M, but there's been problems with getting Powerpoint working on a laptop - so I've done a pdf that people can look through during the evening (on Pete's laptop) if they are so inclined.
On another related but unrelated note, Pete had his auditions yesterday for the Pantomime and he says it went well, so full steam ahead on that front. Man's got his work cut out for him as I believe they start rehearsals tonight....
Saturday, 19 September 2009
The whole thing's rigged...

Week 19 - 312 days to opening night
On-stage scene docs, visible lighting rigs and usable crates should make the staging of this show fairly easy. Now to just make the stuff...
Friday, 18 September 2009
Moving Titles
Week 19 - 313 days to opening night
Quick movie test. Quality's a bit crappy though which is a shame as it looks very crisp on my desktop...
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
It's a fair cop....

Week 19 - 316 days to opening night
I've officially started blocking today. Yeah, I think that deserves an emboldened typeface for emphasis. It's months earlier than I normally do it, but I've decided to try doing this show in a different way to the others, and getting the basic blocking done will help me see if what I want to do is possible. Watched a bit of Singing in The Rain (cos it's set during this period) to see how the film equipment, in particular the mics were set up for a shoot - and very useful it was too... in fact I've found the exact bit on Youtube as well:
I've also been building the 3d model for the Keystone Cop (above) to be used in the overture, I haven't got very far but it's a start. I've nicked-named him 'Bernie', don't know why ( I do know a Bernie, but it's not because of him) - but 'Bernie' it is for the time being.
The big news of the week is a backstage thing - constantly during pre-productions of recent shows I wished I had someone like John Gayler around - a man who loved the theatre and was a bit of a pro carpenter and a dab hand in building sets. Plus a thoroughly decent chap, and more importantly a mate. Unfortunately he went to live in Spain about 7/8 years ago, but only this week he's got in contact that he's coming back to Blighty and "did I need a had backstage with any shows I was doing". I could have kissed him - in a very platonic way obviously - and I emailled back saying yes, yes, oh bloody hell yes. I haven't spoken to him about M&M, (thought I'd make sure he's back in the country and can't escape) but any help he can bring to the show would be excellent...
So revolving stage, here I come. No, not really. (**whispers** revolving stage you will be mine, oh yes...).
Friday, 11 September 2009
Balls to Christmas

Week 18 - 3 hundred and something days to opening night
Haven't had a chance to do much M&M because of work, but I've quickly built a template for the HCP Xmas show poster that I can easily change once Simon and Jen have decided what they want to call it, and finalised ticket details etc. The xmas show is a fundraiser for Mack and Mabel so it pays to advertise it and sell out.
I should get a chance to get back onto M&M next week - particularly as we have this 'Evening of Interest' coming up in which I'll show a few bits of stuff to the group...
Pete's auditioning for his Panto next week, so there's plenty for everyone to get involved with....
Anyway, with a fah lah lah lah laaaah, le lah lah laaaaaaah...
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Shape of things to come

Week 18 - 323 days to opening night
A coupla new images. This is officially my shortest blog posting.
Eleven words.
Oh, no that's two more. Thirteen. Ah, Nineteen. Twenty-on...
...aw, buggerit.
Friday, 4 September 2009
Ding Dong!
Week 17 - 112 days to Xmas
Only 16 weeks til xmas, dontcha know. Had the Xmas show meeting last night which was all very positive - Simon and Jen are in charge and they seem to have it all well in hand. I'll watch over Simon and Georgina will watch over Jen, but only in a advisor and helping way - it's their baby. It'll be an evening of carols, a one act play and then some individual songs. There's going to be a lot on for HCP in the coming months with the Panto rehearsing at the same time.
The one M&M tit-bit to come out of the evening - apart from it being a fundraiser for the Summer show - is that we will be doing an 'evening of interest' on September the twenty-mumble (I forget - wrote it down on a bit of paper that's now at home) which will be Jen and Simon explaining about what they want for the xmas show, then a bit of a readthrough of the one act and then I'll give a quick presentation of what where I'm going with Mack and Mabel, initial ideas and thoughts etc basically I'll just use some of the visuals from this blog, and some clips etc just to get people interested in the show itself...
Xmas show will be on the 19th/20th December - should be fun...
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Thinking inside the box

Week 17 - 329 days to opening night
Yeah, usable crates might just work, y'know.
Been looking into cost and it's probably a bit out of budget but I've got feelers out seeing if we can blag any. If anyone does know of any going free/cheap let me know.
Also looking into building fake film projectors/cameras versus hiring as we'll need some for that old chestnut we all like to call 'period correct' - the projector above, for the start of 'Look what happened to Mabel', isn't 'period correct' but I thought 'ah sod it', no-one will know unless I point it out...which I just have. Dammit, Mathieson, you and your chubby typing fingers...
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Crate Expectations

Week 16 - 333 days to opening night
So what do you do if you have no wing space. None. Zilch. De Nada. And you need wing space to store props/scenery? Weelllll my friends, one option is to store the stuff on stage in plain sight and make it part of the show. Yeah, on stage - in front of everyone. I'm thinking through the option of having crates on stage through out the production - which can store props etc in and become chairs or tables when needs be. The only problem is that they do have to be off stage when the big dance numbers are doing their thang. Hmmm. Will have to think about it. There's definitely an answer in there somewhere...
Also been looking at sorting myself out for next year as well - March onwards is pretty much blocked out for rehearsals, but its working out how much work I have to do this side of xmas, and keep my work-life-production balance in check. I think it's looking possible without pissing off any loved ones/friends/bosses and keeping my full time job at the same time. We'll see. Xmas is looking busy workwise, and we're also putting a on fundraiser show for Mack and Mabel which I've agreed to co-direct/assist Simon Leaton (HCP Member and M&M blog follower) in putting on a one act during the evening, the second half of the evening is choral stuff, I believe - don't know much at the moment as we have our first production meeting on the 3rd Sept (exactly a year on from Happy As A Sandbag ironically).
Must learn to say 'no' in my next life....
Friday, 28 August 2009

Week 16 - 336 days to opening night
The show spends a lot of time in the Sennett studio, so I thought it might be worth looking at a back drop/set for that this evening. It may be a physical set, it may be a projection, who knows (I sure as hell don't). Not much else to report as there's too much else going on in lots of other non-M&M related areas.
Ah'm as busy as a busy, busy bee 'an no mistake.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
...ertaeht eht ot kcaB

Week 16 - 339 days to opening night
Four months gone this week. Eleven to go.
This is the back/derriere of the Regent Theatre, and the Foyer for the uninitiated...
Friday, 21 August 2009
Advertising by stealth.

Week 15 - 343 days to opening night
Today was our first appearance in the local am-dram magazine 'Scene One' - albeit in a stealth-like way. The article is about HCPs donations to charity and in particular one member Malcolm who donated one of his kidneys to his then 4 week old son (the man is one amazing, selfless human being) and HCP have given some money so that Archie (his little one) can attend a special games event for all organ donors.
The picture accompanying the article is of Georgina giving Malcolm the cheque from HCP, and they're in front of the M&M banner we did for the Summer show.
I (**you will buy tickets for M&M**) don't think (**you will buy tickets for M&M**) there's anything (**you will buy tickets for M&M**) wrong with (**you will buy tickets for M&M**) subliminal (**you will buy tickets for M&M**) advertising.
Neil (**you will buy tickets for M&M**)
Thursday, 20 August 2009
I'm stuffed....

Week 15 - 344 days to opening night
More graphicky stuff. No explanation required, reeelly. Just, y'know 'stuff'.
Rhymes with 'fluff'.
Monday, 17 August 2009
Something old and something I can't tell you about...
Week 15 - 344 days to opening night
It’s been an evening of doing Mack and Mabel stuff...but I can’t tell you what it was. I could, but I’d have to kill you. (Note to self: when threatening someone with death DON’T write it on the internet where it can used in the subsequent trial as evidence. Naughty Neil. Naughty.)
Anyways it’s been very productive...but I can’t tell you how productive. I could, but I’d have to kill you....you get the picture. Need to keep a few things under wraps for the show. But what I did find was my old Mack and Mabel stuff from Autumn 2004 when I made a 'false start' on the show - so it just shows 5 years ago I was looking at having an animation over the overture. Can't remember why I stopped work on the show - I think it was to work on Smokey Joes Cafe. But anyhoo, 5 years later it's happening....
Just write right is left, right?

Week 15 - 345 days to opening night
I've been threatening it for a while and here it is: stage directions for the uninitiated. Long story short - the stage is sectioned off into 9 (sometimes 15) areas which allows the director to tell an actor where to move roughly (a bit like chess, only with more Queens). All moves are from the audiences POV - so to the actor right is left and left is right - confused?
Upstage is moving away from the audience, towards the back of the stage.
Downstage is moving towards the audience, towards the front of the stage. Stage Right is moving towards the Left (as the audience will see the actor moving right - they are viewing you from the opposite direction)
Stage Left is moving towards the Right.
Cross is crossing the stage to a predetermined position.
An example in a prompt book might look like: "X (cross) DSL to DSC (down stage centre), X US (upstage), and out (exit) SR (stage right).
There. Piece of cake. Next week I'll be explaining blackholes, and how to bend the space time continuum for financial gain.
Friday, 14 August 2009
Ice to see you, to see you ice...

Week 14 - 347 days to opening night
Another peripheral idea - Old tyme cinema usherettes in the auditorium during the interval selling ice creams/nuts and programmes pre-show etc. S'gotta be done, hasn't it.
However, I don't think our usherettes uniforms should be quite as tight as the breast-fixated illustrator has done for the image above...mind you if it gets more tickets sold...
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